Saturday, April 5, 2008

Catching up...

Trying to catch up- i've been a Very Bad Blogger lately. lots going on- busy with work, fighting off colds, trying to recapture that short-lived sleep success, etc... but Spring is almost here - nuff said. Here are some recent pics:

Playing with Violet:

Immortalized! Thank you for the amazing gift, Aunt Barbara!


meow said...

Oh My Goodness!! Isn't Ms.Helena getting so big?!
wow. lovely pics.
Hope you're all feeling better soon
and H gets back on the wonderful sleep-train! GO Helena!
Truly amazing Painting of you3!
Aren't you so lucky!
Love it!
Sally & Co.

Third Mom said...

I'm laughing at the first one - nothing like wanted to fall asleep when the little one is raring to go :)

Ann said...

That portrait is amazing!!!!

Tish said...

she's as beautiful as ever. the first photo shows exactly how i feel almost every single morning. and the special!!!

matthew is still not walking, talking, sleeping, or growing about helena?

Kevin said...

I love that first photo. That's the risk of getting horizontal when playing with a toddler... I also can't keep my eyes open.

Cool portrait!
