Sunday, April 20, 2008


first, we drew pictures:
Then we went to urgent care cuz I thought she had pink-eye (its just an eyelid infection, apparently), but I don't have pics of that.

So: then we watched Daddy repair the retaining wall out back...

1 comment:

Kevin said...

I meant to comment on this earlier but didn't get a chance... I noticed the "Build Green" decal on the side of the the Scion behind Nikolai. First - sensible vehicle choice for a green build construction firm.

Second, I checked out Pragmatic's web site. Wow - impressive list of awards and it took me a while to wade through your portfolio. Good stuff. From where I am sitting in Seattle, $229k for a 2br,2 bath, LEED-H Platinum building is amazing. I'll take two please. Do you deliver west of the Rockies?

Good idea on the deconstruction. We've met with the ReUse people up here in Seattle and I love their business model.

The decal caught my eye because I'm working with a few folks to get a social venture off the ground providing green building services - design and consulting to Native American tribes in the northwest and providing workforce training opportunities in the course of those green building projects -

Good luck. I'll be sure to check back to see how those the Riverwest homes go up.

